
GSK | Breakdown Analysis Portal


UX UI Designer


Breakdown Analysis Portal is a project that involves creating a digital platform for Engineers & Technicians to carry out planned preventative maintenance, deal with breakdowns and provide support to investigations and continuous improvement initiatives. The primary goal of the BDA portal is to provide a centralized and efficient means of tracking, analyzing, and resolving breakdowns or problems.

Problem Statement

Users are experiencing challenges in navigating our platform due to a complex information architecture, resulting in frustration, and a decline in user satisfaction. The current system fails to provide intuitive pathways for users to access information efficiently, hindering the overall user experience. Addressing these issues is crucial to improve user engagement, retention, and the overall success of our platform.

Research & Process

Who are the Users?

Users: Technicians | Engineers

Initial Research

As a first step, I will aim to gain a clear understanding of the business and user goals. What does the client or stakeholder hope to achieve with this product? I will identify the target users and understand their goals, pain points, and preferences through user research methods. This involves mapping out the various tasks users will perform within the system and understanding the user journey and the steps involved in completing specific actions. Additionally, I will develop an initial information architecture, organizing the content and features in a way that makes sense for users.

User Interview Findings
  • Conducted one-on-one interviews with end-users, understanding the workflow of engineers and technicians, identifying common challenges in maintenance and breakdown management, and gathering insights into their requirements for a digital platform.
  • Identified common themes, patterns, and insights from the interviews and Identification of time-consuming tasks in the current processes.
  • Issues and confusion among the users about tracking tickets, assigning tickets and updating the status.
  • Preferences for the user interface, such as ease of navigation and customization options.
Existing screens & Flows

After conducting user research and analyzing interview findings, I created a user task flow diagram that outlines the key steps and processes for engineers and technicians take to perform planned preventative maintenance, address breakdowns, and support investigations. It helped us to identify potential bottlenecks and ensures a seamless and efficient workflow within the digital platform.

Stakeholder workshops

Primary User Goals

All of the above process has helped me in Identifying the users primary goals, pain points aim to achieve when interacting with the application.

  • Assignment of breakdowns to responsible individuals.
  • To review existing and create new BDA's.
  • To change the status of BDA's if completed.
  • Add more details / update/edit the BDAs.
  • Can request more details of the issue & re-assign the BDA to technician.
  • Automated notifications and alerts to relevant parties when a new breakdown is reported.

Ideation Sketches

After establishing my task flow, I started sketching some ideation sketches of what the application could look like when translated digitally. I made multiple versions, shown below is the chosen sketch that I based my wireframes on.

Visual Designs

Creating the user interface involved multiple iterations and concept explorations

  • Designed intuitive interfaces with familiar elements (e.g., grids, tables) to ease the transition from Excel. Use clear labels, tooltips, and contextual help to guide users..
  • Conducted usability testing sessions with our primary users to validate whether the new designs would solve their problems.
  • I ensured that the UI designs reflects the Greensill's Design System, incorporating appropriate colors, typography, and visual elements.


  • Portal design is rooted in a deep understanding of user needs and preferences..
  • Users find the portal intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • Users can quickly access and analyze breakdown data & Improved efficiency in decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Users actively engaged with the portal features and utilization of the breakdown analysis tools.
  • Users provided positive feedback on the portal's usability and effectiveness.