
Greensill | Payment Engine


UX UI Designer


The Greensill Payment Engine is a financial tool addressing the intricate needs of businesses involved in the supply chain ecosystem. Payment Engine serves as the financial backbone, facilitating seamless and secure transactions while providing enhanced visibility and control over the entire payment lifecycle.

Problem Statement

Greensill users have been relying on manual processes, particularly Excel sheets, for managing payments for the past few years. This outdated method poses numerous challenges and inefficiencies, leading to errors, delays, and a lack of real-time insights. The need for a modernized solution to streamline payments is evident.

Research & Process

Who are the Users?

Users: Product Owners | Payments Team | Business Analysts

Initial Research

Had a multiple series sessions and workshops with key stakeholders to gather insights into current processes, understanding the business and product goals, pain points, and expectations.

Competitor analysis

Initiated some research on competitors who are in to supply chain finance and analyze key features and to find gaps.

User Interviews

Conducted one-on-one interviews with end-users, to observe users in their natural work environment to understand their workflows, interactions with existing tools and process, and identify pain points.

Created personas based on research findings to represent different user types and their needs, motivations, and frustrations.

Determined the primary goals of these users, which include accuracy in financial tracking, time efficiency, and ease of collaboration with suppliers and partners.

Primary User Goals

All of the above process has helped me in Identifying the users primary goals, pain points aim to achieve when interacting with the application.

  • Users want to streamline their payment processes to save time and effort.
  • Users aim to reduce errors in financial transactions and ensure precise and transparency.
  • Users seek a solution that automates repetitive tasks, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
  • Users desire real-time tracking and visibility into the status of payments for better decision-making.


Iterate, Iterate and Iterate

I designed the Low-fidelity and high-fidelity interactive prototypes based on conducted research to see how the information would be laid out on each screen.

  • Gathered the feedback from stakeholders and users to refine initial wireframes before moving to high-fidelity designs.
  • To be more aligned with user goals, we have broken down the user goals and tasks into sequential user flows.
  • Validated the user flows with user testing to ensure we are in align with user expectations and workflows.
  • Iterated the prototypes based on user feedback,internal demos, refining interactions and UI elements for optimal user experiences.
  • Organized and structured data in a way that aligns with user mental models and industry best practices for record management.

Visual Designs

Creating the user interface involved multiple iterations and concept explorations

  • Designed intuitive interfaces with familiar elements (e.g., grids, tables) to ease the transition from Excel. Use clear labels, tooltips, and contextual help to guide users..
  • Conducted usability testing sessions with our primary users to validate whether the new designs would solve their problems.
  • I ensured that the UI designs reflects the Greensill's Design System, incorporating appropriate colors, typography, and visual elements.


  • The Payment Engine Application significantly reduced the time spent on payment processing, leading to increased overall efficiency.
  • Drive cost savings and operational efficiency for businesses by minimizing manual effort and enhancing data reliability.
  • Continuously gathered user feedback to iterate and improve the product./li>
  • Payment Engine App is scalable, accommodating the growing volume of transactions with ease.