
Infotechtion | I-ARM


UX UI Designer


Infotechtion Advanced Records Management application which provides an integrated platform for records and information lifecycle management to meet an organization’s legal and regulatory compliance requirements related to information managed in the Microsoft 365 platform. Infotechtion Advanced Records Management provides enhanced user experiences to simplify the governance of information and records managed while fully leveraging all the capabilities provided by Microsoft Purview.

Problem Statement

Users of the Infotechtion Advanced Records Management application are currently experiencing significant challenges and inefficiencies due to a poorly designed user interface and overall user experience. The lack of intuitive navigation, confusing information architecture, and data entry processes hinder users in effectively managing and organizing records throughout their life cycle. This results in increased user frustration, a higher likelihood of errors, and a substantial decrease in overall productivity. Addressing these usability issues and enhancing the overall user experience is imperative to ensure efficient records management and to meet the application's intended purpose.

Research & Process

Who are the Users?

Users: General Users | Administrator | Records Manager | Legal Teams

Initial Research

To reach our objectives, I decided to do research about our target users, which involves several key methods. Firstly, I conducted one to one user interviews remotely which helped me to gather qualitative insights directly from potential users about their needs, pain points, and workflows.

Competitor analysis

I used the internet and did Competitor analysis which allowed me to identify strengths and weaknesses in similar applications and leverage that information to improve our design.

User & Stakeholder Interviews

I established a user and stakeholders interview plan. This approach allowed me to understand the business / product goals and gauge the overall motivations and needs of users, expectations and their painpoints

  • Understanding the user expectations in context.
  • Conducted thorough research to understand the user needs, behaviors, and pain points of users who interact with records and I-ARM.
  • Identified key user personas and created user journey maps to visualize the user's interaction with the I-ARM application throughout its lifecycle.

Primary User Goals

All of the above process has helped me in Identifying what users aim to achieve when interacting with the application.

  • Enable users to efficiently capture, create and manage records.
  • Provide users with the capability to identify specific sources / sites produces carbon emissions.
  • Easily input and categorise records
  • To quickly and securely access and retrieve needed records when required.
  • Easily search for records based on various criteria
  • Organize records in a logical hierarchy, assign appropriate metadata and categories to records.
  • To ensure that records are retained and disposed of according to established retention schedules and regulatory requirements.


Iterate, Iterate and Iterate

I worked very closely with the developers to make sure I covered all of the technical cases they could think of, and make sure that the everything could technically work throughout the process. Once I "handed off" designs, the communication continued throughout the design QA process, and as they found new cases for me to design as they worked.

  • Create different design versions / wireframes, prototypes based on user and internal feedback
  • User test even more
  • Conduct user testing sessions based on interactive prototypes to help facilitate business decisions and resolve debates between stakeholders
  • Designed a clear and intuitive information architecture for the application, ensuring that users can easily navigate and find the information they need.
  • Organized and structured data in a way that aligns with user mental models and industry best practices for record management.

Visual Designs

Creating the user interface involved multiple iterations and concept explorations

  • Create different design versions based on user and internal feedback.
  • I conducted usability testing sessions with our primary users to validate whether the new designs would solve their problems.


  • User feedback indicated a notable increase in overall satisfaction with the product or service.
  • The redesigned journey reduced complexity and improved the efficiency of user interactions.
  • The optimized journey reduced the number of users dropping off at critical points.
  • Users started engaging more with the application, resulting in higher usage and longer sessions.